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Menu F

到會餐單F - 70人份量 -- $4780

Catering Menu F - 70 people


1. 咖哩 / 茄汁什丸

   Mixed meat balls in curry / tomato sauce 


2. 春卷 拼 咖哩角

   Spring rolls and Samosa


3. 吞拿魚雜果沙律 / 鮮果明蝦沙律

   Tuna fish with mixed fruit salad / Fresh fruit shrimp salad 


4. 什錦三文治

   Assorted sandwiches 


5. 炸手指魚條 / 麥樂雞寳

   Fish fingers / Chicken mcnuggets


6. 蜜糖雞中翼

   Chicken wings with honey 


7. 瑶柱菜粒炒飯 / 五香肉丁炒飯

   Stir-fried rice with scallops and vegetables / Stir-fried rice with spiced pork cubes 


8. 時菜雜菇

   Assorted mushrooms and vegetables


9. 肉醬意粉

   Spaghetti Bolognese 


10. 干炒黑椒牛柳絲意粉

   Stir-fried spaghetti with sliced beef in black pepper 


11. 越式拼盤

   Vietnamese Snack Platter


12. 吉列豬扒

   Pork Cutlet

13. 椰絲者喱糖 / 椰汁馬荳糕 / 芒果布甸

   Jelly cubes / Coconut flavor pudding / Mango pudding

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